"Wart-charming" with American Literary Review
“The depression of his head had hardly left,”
"Passage" with Baltimore Review
“If you were to meet me, coming over from that distant road bordering this tract of squash patches from the lemon orchard, and the scarecrow the crows have made into a flannel home,”
"Azoth" with Book of Matches
“Disguised in ordinary speech—quicksilvering the vein,”
"The Vile Arcane" with Book of Matches
“Amazed at the world with the wonder of the dimwitted,”
"Compass toward a grief called home" with Carve
“If I can be sure of anything, it is,”
"Poppy" with diode
“Tied to a slow drip delivered intravenously, to be made comfortable”
"Remnant" with diode
“Fugitive churching in the elmwood grove, occult in the moor”
"A kind of wingage" with Foothill Poetry Journal
“Lost to a gamble of loaded dice,”
"Pilgrim" with Image
“And suddenly I’ve never been anywhere. Reposed in no prior history, the snow falls.”
"God walking near at hand, furred" with Notre Dame Review
“After the harnessed veil of behavior is unlocked—her hair”
"To tempt a god with sweet meats" with The Penn Review
“The ferryman stakes his gnarled yew pole deep into the marsh, dragging the length of this light hulk along,”
"Changeling" with phoebe
“I would keep my twin, who did not live, deformed with strong vinegars among the root cellar jars.”
"Séance, with reliquary" with Quiddity
“Of all the ways it could be done: the haruspex setting the hooked point of the knife against the oxen’s shaved belly,”
"Omen" with Thrush
“Stopped clock, a glint of the mirror unshrouds when the window opens to the boreal wind, the black-witch flits in,”
"Harbinger" with Whale Road Review
“Brought to rest at the hermitage warmed with the soup-bone’s druid tumor simmering in the pot,”